X-Message-Number: 6347 From: (Thomas Donaldson) Subject: Re: salamander memory Date: Fri, 14 Jun 1996 12:50:14 -0700 (PDT) Hi again! Perhaps I should be more specific about the experiment --- and come down to the name of the person involved. If he's on the net he knows who he is; right now I won't discuss the name. The initials are G.A. But here's a bit more about the experiment, and some history. Some time ago, Paul Pietsch wrote a book, SHUFFLE BRAIN, in which he described an experiment (either repeated by him or done entirely by others) in which members of one species of salamander (Ambystoma punctatum) would not only survive but remember after their brains had been taken out and the pieces put in again out of order. Pietsch describes other experiments, including transplanting a frog's brain into a salamander (which had had its own brain removed). There are difficulties with this experiment, and I don't want to minimize them. Moreover, Pietsch's book is marred by a theory about memory which few people believed then and even fewer people believe now (at the time he wrote it, neural nets had not become prominent, so he had devised a different theory which --- so I understand --- most neuroscientists now would think to be totally out of the question). The real interest is in the experiments themselves. (Unlike mammals, salamanders retain considerable abilities to repair their brains after injuries which would simply kill a person). As I understood the planned experiments, an attempt would be made to freeze these salamanders, or their brains, and then implant the thawed brains in another salamander. Since salamanders are hardly known for LARGE brains, it would also be (relatively) easy to infuse glycerol or other cryoprotectant into them. One of the major problems that turned up was that of simply getting enough salamanders. Mice are easily obtained from lab supply stores, salamanders are not. And if we wish to really duplicate the experiments of Pietsch and others, we'd have to get not some general salamander but Amblystoma punctatum, which increases the difficulty of getting them by an order of magnitude. And I don't know just what happened --- though I would very much like to find out. I mean that even if the experiment failed because GA couldn't get enough salamanders. So that is the salamander experiment. And if GA is listening, I'd like to hear from him --- even if the experiment was a crashing failure. These ideas have left a very large question mark ???? in my own mind, especially now that neuroscientists have begun to see that we too have repair capabilities, which are frustrated, rather than no repair abilities at all. And I believe we can even explain them in accord with current theories --- but I would not explain any experiments which did not exist. Best and long long life, Thomas Donaldson Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=6347