X-Message-Number: 6585
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 1996 10:01:18 -0800
From:  (Kennita Watson)
Subject: Three-event party, Sunnyvale, July 28, 1 PM on.

To those of you who got this from other lists, sorry for the repeat.
To those who didn't, sorry for the late notice.
To all, hope to see you there.


When:   Sunday, July 28th, 1PM till whenever
Where:  780 San Pablo Avenue, Sunnyvale
What:   Free-form wine and cheese party and potluck supper
Why:    To celebrate the 1-year anniversary of my becoming a homeowner,
        To acknowledge my birthday, and last but not least,
        *** To welcome my 18-year-old cousin from Cleveland ***
Who:    Kennita Watson and Will Wiser, hosts; Gina Burwell, honored guest
How:    In the immortal words of Indiana Jones, "I'm makin' this up
        as I go."

As of July 24th, I will have been in this house for a year.  It's about
time I had a real party in it.  A birthday party seems a fine excuse.
Also, in the inaugural run of the Aboveground Railroad, I am rescuing my
18-year-old cousin Gina from Cleveland.  She arrives July 19th, and
I want to introduce her to some of the people I know (i.e., the best
parts of California).

I know almost nothing about wine and cheese -- feel free to bring
some that you particularly like.  I'll try to get enough of a clue to
have some good bottles, bricks, and baguettes available.  More
traditional potluck around dinnertime.  I plan to break out my bread maker
and my (electric) ice cream maker; I have seasonal fruit flavors in mind.

No cats.  No smoking and no shoes in the house.

If anybody feels gifty, something to help Gina set up her own household
would be nice.  If you've been wondering why you didn't give that
third omelet pan to charity, here's a good home for it (yes, unlike
me, she cooks), but feel free to come with just your comestible

>From either northbound or southbound 101, take the Fair Oaks exit (in
Sunnyvale) towards El Camino (West).  The VERY FIRST left is Ahwanee
(this is easy from 101 northbound, but a death-defying zoom across
three lanes in 20 yards from 101 Southbound; fun if you like that
sort of thing, but rest assured that no honor is lost in going
to the next light, making a U-turn, then turning right at Ahwanee).
Follow Ahwanee around the bend to parallel the freeway.  Admire how
well the ivy is coming along at covering the ugly brick wall.  Pass
two streets (San Junipero and San Mateo); the third is San Pablo.
Turn right.  Pass a T intersection to your right.  780 is the third
house on the left after the T.

For those who type these things into organizers or write them on the
backs of business cards:
101->Fair Oaks W->Ahwanee L->3rd R San Pablo->780 on L.

Hope to see you there!

P.S.  A carless friend would like a ride down from around Berkeley.
Let me know if you ore willing to offer one -- thanks.


Kennita Watson    | The bond that links your true family is not one of blood,
| but of respect and joy in each other's life.   Rarely do
                  | members of the same family grow up under the same roof.
                  |                            -- Richard Bach, _Illusions_

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