X-Message-Number: 6815
Date: 	Wed, 28 Aug 1996 10:51:44 -0700
From:  (Olaf Henny)
Subject: Prometheus Project, Need for Concerted Effort

>CryoNet - Wed 28 Aug 1996
>Message #6810
>From:  (Thomas Donaldson)
>Subject: Re: Charles Platt's answer to Ettinger
>Date: Tue, 27 Aug 1996 15:41:59 -0700 (PDT)

>It's not that I think seriously that we would or could ever become THAT
>unbalanced. But balance is important for everything, even the success of
>Prometheus. It lies behind the question I raised and was published here
>on this Cryonet. Given that we should not devote ALL our effort to 
>Prometheus, just what mixture is desirable? And more particularly, since
>(so far as I know) no cryonics society or organization is yet able to 
>survive without donations of time and effort, where should these go and in
>what proportion?
>So I'd be very interested to learn what you think about balance here. And
>since whether he meant it or not, Bob did (implicitly) raise this question,
>what is your answer?
>              Best wishes and long long life,
>                   Thomas Donaldson

At this stage it is not "balance" (read: divvy up the loot), we require, 
but *concerted effort toward results*.

I have since some time now observed with a certain fascination the
assertions, that "if we put all our money into the Prometheus Project,
then there will be nothing left for any other research".

Nothing could be further removed from reality:

Fact:     Cryonics have suffered from lack of acceptance by the scientific
community (and therefore from any other community), because there is to 
date no tangible evidence of its feasibility.

Fact:     Cryonics have, mainly because of that want of acceptance,
lacked the financial support needed to create the necessary evidence of
its feasibility.

Fact:     Paul Wakfer has inspired the Prometheus Project and with his
enthusiasm, hard work and tenacious pursuit raised about 30% of the
targeted sum within 3 months of an approx. 18 months fund raising drive. 
This is, as I understand, already more money than has been raised for
all previous cryonics research efforts combined.

It is only natural, that now a lot of people come out and want to
participate in the feast.  And for the sake of cryonics, they should, 
- eventually.  However, what cryonics needs at this time more than
anything is concrete results, which will install credibility into this new
science and these have a high probability to be achieved under the
Prometheus Project. 

I think it is now in the best interest of all involved in cryonics to
support Paul's ground breaking project.  Once it has reached its funding
objectives, some time next year, there will be lots of opportunity to
raise financial support for other projects, some of which will no doubt
be spawned from the work Prometheus' researchers will carry out.

Once Prometheus and/or any other research endeavors have proven, that cryo-
preservation with minimal damage over indefinite periods of time is
possible, there will be no shortage of the publicity Bob Ettinger is
craving, there will be acceptance by the general scientific community,
and funds for *realistic* expectancy of substantial extension of life will
be plentiful.

One more observation:
The Prometheus Project as well as the funds raised for it are primarily a
product of the vision and initiative of Paul Wakfer.  That gives him the
right an privilege to present *his* proposal for their use before the
subscribers to Prometheus.  He has, as clearly as possible at this early
stage, stated the project's objectives, and it is based upon these
objectives, that the pledges have been made.  I have seen no provision
for funds for publicity or other scattering of resources among them.

Olaf Henny
To argue with those, who have no curiosity for any viewpoint but 
their own, is rarely fruitful.

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