X-Message-Number: 6919 From: Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 23:28:10 -0400 Subject: Funding research now Almost everything In Wakfer's post yesterday (# 6916) is mind-numbingly false or misleading. But we have probably reached the point of diminishing returns, and tit for detailed tat will not be worth the effort. In fact, I have almost concluded that attention to Cryonet is worth much less than the time it takes, and may soon unsubscribe (with apologies and thanks to Dr. Brown and other good people involved). CI, IS, and Alcor and their people, past and present, have produced MOST of what has been accomplished in cryonics. Wakfer thinks this isn't much, and that without him cryonics is "bankrupt," but we still have most of the people and most of the patients. I think many people in and out of our organizations will feel comfortable with our opinion that donations to the Immortalist Society and the Alcor Life Extension Foundation, right now, are likely to pay off handsomely in quick and significant advances, based on the Visser technology. Please send separate checks to the Immortalist Society and the Alcor Life Extension Foundation, memo "Research Fund." Robert Ettinger Cryonics Institute Immortalist Society 24355 Sorrentino Court Clinton Township MI 48035 Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=6919