X-Message-Number: 7353
Date: 24 Dec 96 18:25:46 EST
Subject: Re #7343 "Cryonics francaise"

                                                          I am interested by the
                                                          concept that the chances of a future revival can exist - if they do exist, what
nobody knows  - only for those who let be stored in the cold immediately after
the natural cessation of breathing.
                                                          I have been studying
in France the credibility of this concept, its feasibility in the told country
and its acceptance by the Frenches since 1968 with the assistance of 5 Members
of the Commettee of the CRYONICS SOCIETY OF FRANCE I founded in january 1968.
                                                          I have caused  more
than 200 papers on this subject, have organized 15 meetings and have appeared
more than 10 times at the TV

                                                         Our conclusions are the
                                                         following :
     - It is forbidden to put  anyone  under cold storage in France because of
several different laws.  One woman is in this situation thanks to  exceptional
authorizations that will never be  given again.  And this woman will be put at
the natural  temperature at the death of her husband.  It is perfectly useless
to try the same thing again. The only way for a French desiring to be frozen is
to travel to the States when alive.  We help those who want do this.
    - Till now, all the experiments, despite little partial achievements for

samples of several grams, prove that it is not possible to bring back to life an
organ or an organism weighting a substancial fraction of the weight of a human
beeing, essentially because it is not possible to have the wanted program of
decreasing in temperature in all the spots.  We are obliged to have tremendous
hopes into very hypothetical future so-called nanomachines to detect the
traumatisms, bring the wanted atoms, and put them into the right place (as if
this was possible !)  anything as 10~23 times.  We conclude that nobody knows
whether the chances of success are equal to zero or different of zero.  But we
let everyone to conclude by himself for himself.
     - Out of the told woman (who began by remaining at the natural temperature
during 7 hours after her death because of technical troubles and who is stored
since 1984 at -55  C and whose husband estimates nevertheless "to have 15 % of
chances of success" !), a French woman has been sent thanks to the kind

acceptation of Mr ETTINGER, with our help, to the C.I., after having been stored

one month and a half at - 20  C  and one year and a half at - 79  C.  And now, a
third man intends to send also to the C.I. his mother who has already spent
several monthes at - 20  C.  We estimate that for the credibility of the
Movement we defend in France, it is a must NOT to tell that to the newspapermen

    - Out of these three men, nobody in France intends to be frozen or to freeze
    a parent in the present state of the art.
                                                                Thus, I thank

very much Mr Garret SMITH to want to "progress" the cause of CRYONICS in France,
but I shall not put him in touch with the told men because I dont want him to

destroy the little credibility I have built towards our Movement thanks to my 29
years of moderated and prudent policy with physicians and newspapermen.
                                                                Good luck, Mr
GARRET, and coordinate what you want,
but I forbid you to make that under a name similar to those of the SOCIETE
CRYONICS DE FRANCE of which you are not a member.

DOLINOFF, President

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