X-Message-Number: 74 From: Kevin Q. Brown Subject: disembodied head patent Date: 14 Apr 1989 I have appended below an article concerning a patent for keeping a disembodied head alive. This article was published in both the March 1989 issue of Cryonics and the April 1989 issue of Claustrophobia. I have also appended my comments about the issues raised in the article. Reproduction of the article is OK provided the copies include the credit below. - Kevin Q. Brown ...att!ho4cad!kqb ----- Review: If We Can Keep A Severed Head Alive by "Chet Fleming" by Thomas Donaldson Polinym Press, 1987, 1988 (available from Loompanics Unlimited) Cryonics, March 1989, Vol. 10, No. 3 ALCOR Life Extension Foundation, 12327 Doherty Street, Riverside, CA 92503 (800) 367-2228 Claustrophobia, April 1989, Vol. 13, No. 4, Issue No. 148 1402 SW Upland Dr., Portland, OR 97221 (503) 227-6848 This book is interesting from several headings. In a sense, it's even worth reading, although I'll say that I disagreed with the author on almost all points. I don't even think it's well written. "Chet Fleming" (a pseudonym) is a lawyer who observed that it was within medical reach to put together a complete system which would keep alive a human (or animal) head for a certain time, perhaps days and with effort perhaps months and years. This possibility disturbed him so much he took out a patent on the basic device needed to do this. The aim of his patent was to force anyone who did this to talk to him about it first and also to apply to relevant bioethics committees at their institution. This point alone is very useful. Alcor has made a point of publishing their results. Alcor therefore can't be stopped, up to now, by Chet Fleming's technique. But it remains important that someone could stop cryonics research, or cause trouble for us, merely by successfully getting a patent. The current countermeasure of publishing everything defeats that move, whether or not we publish it in a normal "scientific" periodical. It's clear from reading his book that Chet Fleming feels uneasy with the idea of disembodied heads. To be fair to him, I don't think he believes that his circuit, alone, will make possible survival of a disembodied head for a prolonged period. What he is implying is that if we can maintain disembodied heads even for a short time, it's in the course of science to find ways to maintain them for longer and longer. That is, he sees a way to PROCEED to disembodied heads rather than their immediate possibility. His circuit for maintaining discorporated heads merely contains all the elements now known to be needed for sustaining a discorporated head. Other elements may be discovered. Fleming makes his main purpose in writing the book very clear in his Introduction. What he wants to do is to start off an open debate about this technology, BEFORE it actually produces any discorporated heads. He's obviously concerned about what such a technology will do if it comes about. The book contains a draft of a law, "The Discorporation Control Act," to control production of discorporated (but still maintained alive) heads of either animals or people. This strategem of the author (for that is what it is) deserves to be discussed first. With very little actual technology, Chet Fleming proposes to obligate scientists to consult a series of committees about the ethical feasibility of what they propose to do. I have myself seen the spread of "bioethics committees" through all the medical institutions of our society. In some abstract sense, for some abstract society (existing perhaps on a planet of the Andromeda Galaxy, or even farther away) this seems an innocent way to proceed. In the same abstract sense, it even seems a desirable way to proceed. But we do not live in this abstract society, but in our own. In our own society, bioethics committees have so far done no good and great harm. Why is simple: who really sits on a bioethics committee? Why, people who are afraid of technologies and wish to suppress them. The tempest about recombinant DNA is the best example of what really happens with bioethics committees. It follows that Chet Fleming's proposals are either duplicitous, or sick at their heart. Without doing the experiment, we don't know how it will affect the animal OR ourselves. What the experiment does to OURSELVES is always at least as important as what it does to its "real" subject. Somewhere in Latin America or elsewhere the experiment will be done. Those who do it will be affected, well or badly. WE will not get any benefit from this. Trying to control the outcome of an experiment isn't even desirable. It's no longer an experiment. As cryonicists we can provide many experiments with far stronger effects on society than discorporated heads. Chet Fleming takes care to point out what discorporated heads are NOT. They aren't means to immortality. They aren't means to any special psychic powers, despite all the science fiction which tries to make out that they are. In fact, the only thing they are is a new variety of paraplegic. If we ignore all the medical / scientific apparatus sustaining a discorporated head, we have a situation no different from that of paraplegics today. The problems and opportunities discorporation presents are virtually identical to those of paraplegia. I find it hard to see a need for any special laws or regulations for this new variety of paraplegia. Yes, some people become eligible for this paraplegia who were not eligible for the other kind. And so? As a cryonicist I also have a serious problem with a second, less basic, but still fundamental question. Just what is the real prospect of this technology, anyway? First, we don't really see a body of citizens or patients urging discorporation. It hasn't even got the support of work on artificial hearts. There are (I kid you not) more people advocating research on immortality than people advocating discorporation. This fact should tell Chet Fleming something. As a technique for application to human beings, discorporation just doesn't have a real, serious following. And to provide a "discorporation technology" medically suitable for human patients isn't something a single researcher can do. It requires the concerted work of many people, spread over many years and millions of dollars. We look around us and see none of that. Certainly we might see such as interest develop. Anything is possible. But one conclusion from current medical research is that almost everyone, scientists and lay people, have ALREADY decided the issue of discorporation research. Their answer is: they're not interested. It's not hard to see why ... In his discussion Chet Fleming puts forward several science fiction works in which human heads are kept alive for various reasons. Some of these are: David Osborne's book HEADS (1985), CS Lewis's THAT HIDEOUS STRENGTH, Lawrence Sanders' THE TOMORROW FILE and others. We do not live in science fiction. Many people know this very well. ----- MY COMMENTS Chet Fleming's patent immediately brings to mind the neuropreservation option for cryonic suspension, but whereas cryonic suspension stops all metabolism, his patent is for maintaining metabolism and thus appears to not apply to cryonics. Also, as Donaldson pointed out, since the details of (both whole body and neuro) cryonic suspension already have been published, nobody can stop cryonic suspension by patenting it. Nevertheless, Fleming's patent may cause problems for cryonicists. One of the main difficulties with cryonics today is that nobody can prove that it works; nobody has been frozen and thawed out and then walked away from it. Of course we only have to master the freezing part now; reanimation can wait until later. And we have a LOT of evidence that our freezing process does a good job of preservation. Nevertheless, a demonstration that a human or animal can be recovered from cryonic suspension would greatly enhance the credibility of cryonics. One of the simplest ways to accomplish that demonstration may be to vitrify the brain of a mammal (such as a cat or dog), thaw it out, and then maintain it on a circuit of the type that Chet Fleming patented to show that it still functions. (Vitrification [see messages 6 and 35] causes less damage than straight freezing and is a more promising route for reversible suspension of whole organs in the near future. Since vitrifying a single organ is much simpler than vitrifying a whole body, the organ of greatest interest - the brain - would provide the most convincing demonstration for cryonics.) Unfortunately, Chet Fleming or his "bioethical" colleagues may decide to veto the experiment, with the result that cryonicists (in the USA) would be restricted from performing the simplest kind of proof that cryonics works. This in turn may result in (1) pushing cryonics (research) offshore and (2) delaying the proof of feasibility of cryonics, which would likely result in the needless deaths of many people who otherwise would have immediately signed up for cryonic suspension but died instead. Chet Fleming's technique of patenting "objectionable" technology could be used to block other technologies, some of interest to cryonicists. For example, one way to restore a neuro patient to a full-bodied human would be to create an anencephalic (no neocortex) clone and then transplant the revived (and cured) brain in the new body. Someone, however, might patent the technology to create an anencephalic clone simply to prevent people from doing it, and thereby restrict that route to revival from neurosuspension. Furthermore, just as Fleming proposed "The Discorporation Control Act", "bioethical" pressure groups might propose and even pass a law called "The Anencephalic Control Act" for restricting or outlawing production of anencephalic clones. Do we have any reason to be concerned about such a possibility? Yes. Such pressure groups do exist and they have sometimes been successful blocking new biotechnology. For example, in addition to Donaldson's article on Chet Fleming's book, the April 1989 issue of Claustrophobia included the following news item: "...The first experiment to insert foreign genes into humans has finally received approval to proceed - but is now being blocked by a lawsuit by ... (you guessed it) our old friend Jeremy Rifkin. In the U.S. alone, someone dies from cancer every minute." Another new technology that may become targeted for restrictive lawsuits or legislation is the transplantation of fetal brain cells for possible life extension benefits [message #37]. This has been quite controversial because the fetal brain cells are harvested from induced abortions. The use of brainless humans for spare parts, such as the anencephalic clones for restoring neuro patients, is likely to be at least as controversial. (Imagine both the "Right To Life" and ACLU folks fighting the use of anencephalic clones!) As you can see, cryonic suspension itself looks rather innocent and harmless compared to the technologies for reanimating people from cryonic suspension. We do not want monstrous misuse of our biotechnology and we also do not want to be deprived of its potential benefits. Foresight Update (The Foresight Institute, Box 61058, Palo Alto, CA 94306) presents not only the progress toward nanotechnology but also expresses concern about possible ill effects from it. (That is, in fact, where the name comes from: to provide sufficient foresight to enable us to avoid major disasters.) In (the March 1, 1989) Update #5 Stewart Brand (founder of the Whole Earth Catalog and one of the advisors for the Foresight Institute) suggested that anti-technological people (even irrationally anti-technological people) serve a useful purpose; they slow down technological development that otherwise may proceed too fast for people to (1) adapt to and (2) design well. He gave as an example the Alaska pipeline, which was delayed by environmentalists concerned about the caribou. As it turned out, the original pipeline design had many faults and the pressure and delay created by the environmentalists made the pipeline designers redo their design, resulting in a much better product. In the case of genetic engineering, however, Brand suggested that the Asilomar conference (which, I believe, resulted in a temporary, self-imposed, moratorium on recombinant DNA research) may not have been useful; it gave opponents of genetic engineering (such as Rifkin) the argument "See, even the scientists had some doubts about this, so we should REALLY be worried." Where does that leave us? As Saul Kent pointed out in the fliers for last year's Life Against Death conferences: "These are very exciting times. The political phase of the Life Extension Revolution has begun." Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=74