X-Message-Number: 7803 Date: 04 Mar 97 08:56:54 EST From: DOLINOFF <> Subject: Religions and CRYONICS Hiya ! I have heard also much objections against CRYONICS from those who believe in God. I suppose that this comes from the fact that the religions, that pretend to represent such or such God, teach not to modify Nature. And this goes so far that, for example, Catholics prohibit the use of condoms despite they are the best if not the only defense against the lethal AIDS and that the JEHOVAH "Witnesses" and others" Evangelists" prohibit every transfusion of blood when they are unavoidable, even if this causes the death of those who need them for one reason or another. I think that the objections against Cryonics, that tries to midify nature, come from the fact that they fear to make God angry and to loose his "assistance" to insure to their "soul" a perpetual life of beatitude (!), what is " more likely to occur". In fact, we have a very good argument to show them that we in no way are able to make God angry as the cryogenical suspension (in case of success) only modifies the duration of our physical life but does IN NO WAY modify the fact that one day or another, our physical beeing will die, from accident, murder or suicide, etc., if it is no more from a disease nor from ageing which will be made reversible. Thus, the Religions and their Gods will take their "'rights" in every case, one day or another. On that account, I think that the reversibility of the ageing will be conquered before those of the cold suspension because what is already known and conquered shows that it remains less work in this direction. And will those who believe in God also prohibit the reversibility of the ageing when it will be available, be it with or without the intervention of the cold suspension ? Why then dont they prohibit to try to cure cancers, what is also to modify nature ? I think these 4 circumstances : - To believe in God ; - not to believe in God ; - to believe in CRYONICS ; - not to believe in CRYONICS, divide men into four categories : you believe in nothing : you believe in God ; you believe in CRYONICS ; you believe in both. The most happy are those who believe in at least one out of these two Ideas ! Long, long life ! Anatole Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=7803