X-Message-Number: 7997 Date: Thu, 03 Apr 1997 01:37:15 -0800 From: Paul Wakfer <> Subject: Prometheus News and Views Pledge Received from a _Cryonics_ Reader Even thought the issue of _Cryonics_ which just appeared contained Prometheus Project information which was over 6 months out of date and no valid web address for Prometheus information was given, the a pledge has been received by mail. Ilya Novof of Essex Junction, Vermont writes: "I read about your attempt to start Prometheus Project, in CRYONICS Magazine. I am pledging $1000/year to purchase shares in "hypothetical" for profit corporation." "Please keep me inform about further developments." I have sent this pledger a note of thanks and printouts of the current enlarged Prometheus Project Web Site material. Project Promotion Limitations I believe that this quick response shows that if Alcor would permit me to fund mailings to their _Cryonics_ subscriber list without my access to the list itself, as I have requested, the Prometheus Project pledge total would quickly receive another major boost. I have tried my very best to set up the Project and to maintain it, as a vehicle outside, and independent of the rivalry, and often ill will, which continues between the various cryonics organizations. However, except for CryoCare and ACS, I am continually stymied in my attempts and requests to communicate directly with the majority of cryonicists who are not on the Internet. As it is, I have no recourse to any methods except promoting the Project as widely as possible on the Internet and attempting to get non-cryonicists to support it. To say the least, this is very frustrating and is, partly, responsible for the current very slow rate of pledge total increase. Funding Statistics The pledges in each dollar level are now: 3 for $50,000 per year for 10 years, 10 for $10,000 per year for 10 years, 1 for $6,800 per year for 10 years, 8 for $5,000 per year for 10 years, 1 for $4,000 per year for 10 years, 1 for $3,000 per year for 10 years, 1 for $2,500 per year for 10 years, 7 for $2,000 per year for 10 years, 4 for $1,500 per year for 10 years, 4 for $1,200 per year for 10 years, 36 for $1,000 per year for 10 years, for a total of $367,100 per year for ten years. Currently, spending directed toward perfecting suspended animation is at the $400,000 per year level. This is being provided by the Life Extension Foundation to 21st Century Medicine. Funding per year by national origin: Australia $5,500 Canada $27,000 France $2,000 Germany $1,500 New Zealand $1,500 Sweden $1,000 United States $723,600 No country $5,000 -- Paul -- Paul Wakfer email: phone:909-481-9620 pager:800-805-2870 HELP TO ACHIEVE - PERFECTED SUSPENDED ANIMATION WITHIN 20 YEARS! Check out the Prometheus Project web site at URL: http://www.prometheus-project.org/prometheus/ Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=7997