X-Message-Number: 8173 Date: Sun, 04 May 1997 10:43:47 +0100 From: John de Rivaz <> Subject: Re: Cryopreserve Saddam? In article: <> writes: > From: Olaf Henny <> Re: Cryopreserve Saddam? I seem to recall that he did enquire with ACS once, but it never proceded very far. I would expect that if he was interested in cryonics he could use the technical material in the public domain to have his technicans build a facilty and use his connections to set up an enduring foundation to run it just for him and his immediate friends and family. It is likley that the story about cloning is spurious. SH is not daft and surely he would see that a clone would no more be him than a child would. -- ***************************************** Sincerely, * Longevity Report * * http://www.longevb.demon.co.uk/lr.htm * John de Rivaz * Fractal Report * * http://www.longevb.demon.co.uk/fr.htm * * Music I like - see homepage * ***************************************** In the information age, sharing can increase world wealth enormously, because giving information does not decrease your information. http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/JohndeR Fast loading, very few slow pictures Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=8173