X-Message-Number: 8811
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 1997 14:16:13 -0600
From: Steve Jackson <>
Subject: Reasons

Quoth Ken Stone:

>5.  Religious objections/fears, based on a belief that choosing cryonics
      might ruin one's chances of getting into heaven to spend that eternal
      happy afterlife with God.

Indeed. There is a persistent story in the SF community (I have heard it
from more than one person who might be in a position to know, but I won't
name names, and I think I have even seen it in writing) that Heinlein, who
had of course written stories involving suspended animation and who
CERTAINLY wanted to live forever, considered and rejected cryonics because
"it might interfere with resurrection." Serious objection or a dry
Heinleinian leg-pull? Dunno.

 Steve Jackson - yes, of SJ Games - yes, we won the Secret Service case
  Learn Web or die - http://www.sjgames.com/ - dinosaurs, Lego, Kahlua!
          The heck with PGP keys; finger for Geek Code. Fnord.

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