X-Message-Number: 8867 Date: Sat, 29 Nov 1997 10:17:33 -0800 From: Peter Merel <> Subject: A kind of anarchy Thomas Donaldson writes, >Immortality may actually give us a practical possibility of >a kind of anarchy --- one which has failed in the past, and would still >fail now, because some men and groups decide that they can escape any >retribution from others that they dominate. If both parties are immortal, >then late or soon that retribution will come -- and so the urge to form any >kind of government based on force will become less and less the longer we >live. This would not be perfect: what if such governments decided to kill >people, and thus prevent that retribution? Well, if they really are immortal, that government's out of luck ... I don't buy that immortality can lead to pure anarchy. Although we expect the acceleration of technological progress will lead to an explosion in resource availability, and our physical capabilities in general, at the forefront of this progress we'll need to make engineering and aesthetic choices that affect more than one individual. If a society of immortals is not to dissolve into eternal violence or total homogeneity, they'll need a formal protocol with which to sort out these choices. Whether such a protocol will involve what we think of as a government is a fair question. Thus far, no one has established a way to make syncracy or direct democracy scale to govern more than just a few people. This has not been for want of trying. It's obvious, however, that many of our present endeavours - those that approach cost-free digital transmission, replication and authentication of resources - are no longer bound by the economics of scarcity and politics of delegation that have hampered earlier efforts. We already have an arena in which Thomas's "kind of anarchy" could develop. Why doesn't it? I think that in fact it is developing in groups like GNU and devices like USENET, but that its possibilities are implicit, confused, and often ignored. People aren't used to organizing themselves on terms of maximizing mutual opportunity and spontaneously establishing harmony, and have no ready tool with which to attempt to do so. What's needed for Thomas's "kind of anarchy" is just such a tool. As some here know only too well, building a technology of syncracy has been the focus of my speculations for the last couple of years. I now feel I've got a consistent specification of general utility to do this, and I'm setting out to actually implement the thing, which is called "The Stone Society", after the pieces in the Japanese game of Go. Folk who are interested in this will do well to start with http://home.connectnet.com/peter/ss.html A discussion about integrating Stones with the WikiWikiWeb is at http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?WikiStoneSociety And speculation about the application of Stones to a Nanotech world of plenty is at http://home.connectnet.com/peter/nanostones.html Peter Merel. Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=8867