X-Message-Number: 9672
Date: Sun, 10 May 1998 04:30:46 -0400
From: Thomas Donaldson <>
Subject: the ultimate reason for cryonics

Hi again!

One point I noticed in several recent Cryonet messages (I shall not
name any names): the claim that someone is "risking their life" if
they choose cryonics in its present state.

NO, sorry guys, that's not what happens. Even to say so assumes
something that (when clearly considered) is simply false. You too,
and everyone accessing Cryonet, will grow old. I do not know how
old you are now, and you may hope that medical salvation will
arrive for you, but it's most likely that you will grow old. Even
worse, you will look like your parents when they are old, and 
show the same disabilities. And not only that, eventually you 
will come down with some disease you cannot fight off and will
die of.

We all know this but some people find it easy to forget when they
think about cryonics. Right now, you can only be suspended if
you have been declared DEAD. (Yes, we disagree with that declaration,
but no matter...). You are NOT risking your life on cryonics. You
are choosing the only possible means which might let you continue
to live. And it still remains the only possible mean, even if
our suspensions do not improve as we all hope.

Even if you believe it is not a very good means, I guarantee that
if you are not suspended you will never live again. That is why
many of us chose cryonic suspension years ago, despite all its
problems. And sure, if we can do anything to improve the process
NOW it should be done. Research is overwhelmingly, very important.
But whatever state cryonic suspension may be in when you yourself
find yourself mortally ill, it will remain as before your ONLY
choice for further life.

You are not risking your life. You are trying to save it. Perhaps
you will fail (and again, how much research in suspension happens
before you come to that time will affect that a LOT). But even if
you fail you will have tried.

Just a word of clarification to some who (maybe unthinkingly) 
talked of cryonics as if it were hang-gliding or a trip to
climb the mountains of Peru.

			Best and long long life,

				Thomas Donaldson

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