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Stemmed Query = cryonic societi david pascal  
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Msg  Description
# 27997 Cryonics Society Granted Nonprofit Status -- Free eNewsletter Now Online [Cryonics Society]
  May 2006 23:46:24 -0400 From: "Cryonics Society" <> Subject: Cryonics Society Granted Nonprofit Status -- Free eNewsletter Now Online . . . the U.S. Government has granted the Cryonics Society 501c3 non-profit status. The Cryonics Society -- -- is an organization . . . public about the many potential benefits of cryonics, to both individuals and to our society as a whole. The Society works to . . . and consider giving your support. David Pascal Secretary The Cryonics Society http://www.CryonicsSociety.
(Fri, 26 May 2006, 2 KB)
# 27192 Despres Hall of Infamy [John de Rivaz]
  former Treasurer and Vice President of the Cryonics Society of Canada. He served alongside Brian Wowk, . . . the bars of California and Ontario, Canada. David Pascal worked in marketing and advertising generally for
(Mon, 10 Oct 2005, 3 KB)
# 25839 RE: More About The Cryonics Society (Part 2) [Kitty Antonik Wakfer]> Subject: RE: More About The Cryonics Society (Part 2) Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2005 01:23:01 -0700 David Pascal's message with his frequent repetitive and
(Mon, 21 Mar 2005, 12 KB)
# 25784 Re: Cryonics Society Initiative a winner, I've joined [RUDIHOFFMA]
  2005 12:13:45 EST Subject: Re: Cryonics Society Initiative a winner, I've joined In . . . make a difference. Start by joining the Cryonics Society today. Hello, Fellow Futurnauts, This is Rudi . . . Having just visited the site for THE CRYONICS SOCIETY, and having been very impressed by this . . . happily invested 20 bucks to join The Cryonics Society. The website is beautifully done, extremely professional in both form and writing. David Pascal and collaborators have done an outstanding job
(Sun, 13 Mar 2005, 2 KB)
# 27196 Great explanation and posting by David Pascal re: Cryonics Society [RUDIHOFFMA]
  EDT Subject: Great explanation and posting by David Pascal re: Cryonics Society In a message dated 10/11/2005
(Tue, 11 Oct 2005, 1 KB)
# 25783 Announcement: Join The Cryonics Society Today [Cryonics Society]
  From: "Cryonics Society" <> Subject: Announcement: Join The Cryonics Society Today Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2005 20:27:35 -0500 Throughout its history, cryonics has faced a problem that has crippled . . . could still put an end to the cryonics movement and the lives of everyone who . . . it succeed. The new organization is the Cryonics Society. Its goal is to end the distorted . . . to turn this situation around. The Cryonics Society is that organization. The Cryonics Society does not perform suspensions or maintain patients. . . . The future of cryonics depends on you. David Pascal Public Relations Director The Cryonics Society http://
(Sat, 12 Mar 2005, 10 KB)
# 19911 CryoSummit [Ettinger]
  Besancon, Ben Best, Hugh Hart, Bill Haworth, David Hayes, Pat Heller, Jennifer Kowalsky, Joseph Kowalsky, Jerry Lemler, Judy Muhlestein, Robert Newport, David Pascal, Yuri Pichugin, York Porter, Michael Riskin, David Shumaker, Edgar Swank, Jim Yount, Andy Zawacki. The represented organizations included Alcor, American Cryonics Society, Cryonics Institute, and Suspended Animation Inc. Details
(Mon, 26 Aug 2002, 2 KB)
# 31217 Cryonics Society is Much More Than David Pascal/Rudy Matic [FlavO Noid]
  Dec 2008 00:06:01 -0500 Subject: Cryonics Society is Much More Than David Pascal/Rudy Matic --_----------=_1228194361236380 Content-Disposition: inline
(Tue, 2 Dec 2008, 1 KB)
# 25896 Why I support the Cryonics Society [Bruce Waugh]> Subject: Why I support the Cryonics Society Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2005 16:12: . . . to set out why I support the Cryonics Society and agreed to become a Director of it. I believe that if cryonics is going to flourish, then acceptance by . . . that the reasonableness and fundamental humanity of cryonics can be accepted and supported by society, especially if an active effort is made. . . . with professional experience. My experience with the Cryonics Society of Canada showed me that it was . . . interests of everyone. I support the Cryonics Society because I support Alcor, and CI, and . . . make a new effort. Nick Pavlica and David Pascal are personally committed cryonics. They have backgrounds
(Sun, 27 Mar 2005, 3 KB)
# 27379 Pro-Cryonics Article In Mensa Bulletin [Cryonics Society]
  From: "Cryonics Society" <> Subject: Pro-Cryonics Article In Mensa Bulletin Date: Mon, 21 . . . 0500 A two-page feature article on cryonics, supplied by the Cryonics Society, is currently appearing in the November/December . . . American Mensa. Mensa is the high-IQ society whose members qualify by scoring in the . . . played in the founding and development of cryonics, and also mentions Mensans such as Ben . . . org/mensaarticle.html or via the Cryonics Society news page at . . . its most significant advocates, supporters and leaders. - David Pascal The Cryonics Society | -- No
(Mon, 21 Nov 2005, 2 KB)

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