CryoNet Mailing List Messages 16600 - 16699

  1. #16600 Re: On Fraud and Learning [Stephen W. Bridge] (3427 Bytes)
  2. #16601 various [Thomas Donaldson] (3413 Bytes)
  3. #16602 Cryonet or QueerNet? [Joseph W. Morgan] (454 Bytes)
  4. #16603 Cost estimate of establishing a small cryonic storage facility. [Trygve Bauge] (7230 Bytes)
  5. #16604 cryonics advice to dying people by a professional? - Thanks [ - KC Homes] (3143 Bytes)
  6. #16605 servicing cryonics procrastinators - great for cryonics [ - KC Homes] (2685 Bytes)
  7. #16606 Who contact to buy a dewar? [Trygve Bauge] (1243 Bytes)
  8. #16607 Alcor in TV Documentary [Charles Platt] (967 Bytes)
  9. #16608 Where are the Numbers? [Mgdarwin] (7462 Bytes)
  10. #16609 Here are Some Numbers [Mgdarwin] (7782 Bytes)
  11. #16610 death-bed cryonics [Ettinger] (1028 Bytes)
  12. #16611 The joys of life are for *all* [Olaf Henny] (1410 Bytes)
  13. #16612 The Point: It is not just 5 years in old age. [Olaf Henny] (2455 Bytes)
  14. #16613 comments on messages #16599 and #16591 [Keith Rene Dugue] (4591 Bytes)
  15. #16614 Replies to CryoNet #16587 - #16599 [Louis Epstein] (20459 Bytes)
  16. #16615 Small mobile liquid nitrogen plants, [Trygve Bauge] (1181 Bytes)
  17. #16616 Re: Regarding estimated costs of establishing a new facility. [Trygve Bauge] (3153 Bytes)
  18. #16617 Anyone want a 4 person bigfoot dewar? [Trygve Bauge] (2773 Bytes)
  19. #16618 Cheap liquid nitrogen in Norway by 2005, from Aker Maritime - Emission free gas power [Trygve Bauge] (2139 Bytes)
  20. #16619 Fw: Cryonics Norway [Trygve Bauge] (1153 Bytes)
  21. #16620 How could they have all been so STUPID :o) [ - KC Homes] (5152 Bytes)
  22. #16621 References for Male vs. Female Reproductive Strategies [Mgdarwin] (2980 Bytes)
  23. #16622 my Extro-5 adventure! [john grigg] (2551 Bytes)
  24. #16623 Gay/Hetero discussion [HEYMIKE] (9113 Bytes)
  26. #16625 40, single, childless, healthy, and not signed up 16614 [hitt] (737 Bytes)
  27. #16626 Excerpts from March 2001 issue of Periastron now on ACS website [American Cryonics Society] (1247 Bytes)
  28. #16627 Getting a woman's view on cryonics [John de Rivaz] (1776 Bytes)
  29. #16628 Please move off-topic discussions elsewhere [Will Dye] (1193 Bytes)
  30. #16629 On being taken seriously [Charles Platt] (1521 Bytes)
  31. #16630 Re: 40, single, childless, healthy, and not signed up 16614 [Louis Epstein] (1073 Bytes)
  32. #16631 Mummified monk's eternal meditation [Jan Coetzee] (3840 Bytes)
  33. #16632 Re Gay/Hetero discussion (your message 16623) [hitt] (573 Bytes)
  34. #16633 You all may find this interesting--Anyone of you likewise contacted? [James Swayze] (5175 Bytes)
  35. #16634 Patrick Roi [Jessica Lemler] (1401 Bytes)
  36. #16635 Thanks to Michael Donahue [Mgdarwin] (4166 Bytes)
  37. #16636 Replies to CryoNet #16615 - #16623 [Louis Epstein] (5488 Bytes)
  38. #16637 guiding someone to their local cryonics org (16624) [hitt] (1141 Bytes)
  39. #16638 Re: 40, single, childless, healthy, and not signed up 16614 [hitt] (794 Bytes)
  40. #16639 Is Life a game? How can you know? [david pizer] (2969 Bytes)
  41. #16640 reply to #16620 [Keith Rene Dugue] (3227 Bytes)
  42. #16641 Survey: Who on cryonet wants to be dug up and frozen if inadvertently burried? Please respond. [Trygve Bauge] (5622 Bytes)
  43. #16642 Re: FEELIGN HOW TO GETWELL AGAIN. [Trygve Bauge] (3463 Bytes)
  44. #16643 Cryonics an expensive way of slowing the rotting of corpses. [Trygve Bauge] (4551 Bytes)
  45. #16644 Re: Is life a game? [WalkerBill] (1739 Bytes)
  46. #16645 telomere silencing [WalkerBill] (501 Bytes)
  47. #16646 Bettering our chances through a housing cooperative [Driven FromThePack] (1282 Bytes)
  48. #16647 Future generations will think of us as barbaric? - that would be [ - KC Homes] (7713 Bytes)
  49. #16648 Trygve's response to Charles Platt [Trygve Bauge] (10285 Bytes)
  50. #16649 Re: Is Life a game? How can you know? [Lee Corbin] (1732 Bytes)
  51. #16650 Re: Isn't it better to be cloned than just to be rotting? [Trygve Bauge] (2350 Bytes)
  52. #16651 disinterment question [Ettinger] (550 Bytes)
  53. #16652 oldest, youngest [Ettinger] (538 Bytes)
  54. #16653 Re: CryoNet #16627 - #16640 [George Smith] (2512 Bytes)
  55. #16654 #16627 Getting a woman's veiw on cryonics (was Ideas for...) [Natasha Vita-More] (2290 Bytes)
  56. #16655 Re: CryoNet #16627 - #16640 [HEYMIKE] (1669 Bytes)
  57. #16656 Replies to CryoNet #16627 - #16639 [Louis Epstein] (5634 Bytes)
  58. #16657 The Elizabeth Kostadinova Saga [veronica sullivan] (1641 Bytes)
  59. #16658 recent thoughts regarding Epstein... [john grigg] (1056 Bytes)
  60. #16659 New Wireless Locator Service for U.S. Cryo-Members Coming This [John Krug] (844 Bytes)
  61. #16660 Re: [CliffordPickover] Zygotic personhood [John de Rivaz] (2964 Bytes)
  62. #16661 Re: God [Azt28] (465 Bytes)
  63. #16662 Dug up [Billy H. Seidel] (1639 Bytes)
  64. #16663 We're Living Only in a Simulation - Not! [Lee Corbin] (1969 Bytes)
  65. #16664 Mayan Civilization [Lee Corbin] (2634 Bytes)
  66. #16665 Facts About World War II [Lee Corbin] (4525 Bytes)
  67. #16666 Re: CryoNet #16641 - #16660 [hitt] (1607 Bytes)
  68. #16667 glycerol and arginine [Doug Skrecky] (1261 Bytes)
  69. #16668 do-it-yourself, continued [Charles Platt] (10074 Bytes)
  70. #16669 Kryos News #7 [Mgdarwin] (9466 Bytes)
  71. #16670 But, how can you know if your life is real? [david pizer] (4545 Bytes)
  72. #16671 the real cost of cryonics... [john grigg] (3889 Bytes)
  73. #16672 public ignorant of what personhood is? [Driven FromThePack] (1043 Bytes)
  74. #16673 Trygve The Oz case [Thomas Nord] (1895 Bytes)
  75. #16674 Replies to CryoNet #16641 - #16658 [Louis Epstein] (6340 Bytes)
  76. #16675 Only Tanya is Left - Historic Inaccurasies [ - KC Homes] (4155 Bytes)
  77. #16676 Re: Reply to Cryonet survey; Cryonics in Norway [Trygve Bauge] (1679 Bytes)
  78. #16677 Pizer's questions [Ettinger] (2206 Bytes)
  79. #16678 Trygve's response to Billy Seidel. [Trygve Bauge] (6863 Bytes)
  80. #16679 Doors of the history [ramzy ramzy] (1900 Bytes)
  81. #16680 Fw: disinterment question [Trygve Bauge] (1592 Bytes)
  82. #16681 Trygve's reply to Ramzy, Re: doors of the history [Trygve Bauge] (5789 Bytes)
  83. #16682 Fw: Trygve's response to Alan Sinclair. [Trygve Bauge] (3051 Bytes)
  84. #16683 Fw: regarding accounts informations [Trygve Bauge] (1765 Bytes)
  85. #16684 But, how can you know if your life is real? [Hugh Hixon] (528 Bytes)
  86. #16685 Price of mobile ln2 plant [Trygve Bauge] (1047 Bytes)
  87. #16686 To those that that have responded to the Australian case [Trygve Bauge] (1655 Bytes)
  88. #16687 Re: Cryonic case from Australia. Cost and latest developments. [Trygve Bauge] (7326 Bytes)
  89. #16688 Trygve's response to John de Rivaz re Disinternment, cloning etc. [Trygve Bauge] (2084 Bytes)
  90. #16689 inclusiveness Message #16656 [Jeffrey Soreff] (1325 Bytes)
  91. #16690 Supplier of dewars found. [Trygve Bauge] (1643 Bytes)
  92. #16691 desirable traits (on-topic, really) [Ruthanna R Gordon] (5937 Bytes)
  93. #16692 Housing cooperative and foreign nationals. [Trygve Bauge] (1268 Bytes)
  94. #16693 Trygve's response to Veronica [Trygve Bauge] (7321 Bytes)
  95. #16694 This may very well save your life [Doug Skrecky] (1924 Bytes)
  96. #16695 Replies to CryoNet #16663 - #16671 [Louis Epstein] (8346 Bytes)
  97. #16696 Re: But, how can you know if your life is real? [Lee Corbin] (2790 Bytes)
  98. #16697 Trygve's response to Charles Platt, part 2. [Trygve Bauge] (35545 Bytes)
  99. #16698 Subject: Survey: Who on cryonet wants to be dug up and frozen if inadvertently burried? [Robert Moore] (472 Bytes)
  100. #16699 A few questions for 'Elizabeth' and Trygve [Simon Carter] (1334 Bytes)